Megan’s Marvelous Book Awards: Favorite Reads of 2024

Welcome to the first annual Megan’s Marvelous Book Awards!

I read more this year than ever before thanks to a nursing baby and lots of “bonus hours” in the middle of the night. Instead of picking a top ten at the end of the year, I noted my very favorites as I went with no concern for how many “best books” I found. This resulted in seventeen reads that stood out above the rest.

But first a little data.

2024 reading stats

In 2024, I read…

71 novels
33 novellas
22 short stories

…not counting the many re-reads of my own work, critique partner’s books that have yet to release, and editing work.

As for genres…

Not hard to figure out what I like to read. Also worth noting that about 20% of the books, mostly in the speculative category, were written for a YA audience. My most-read authors were Karen Witemeyer (10), Melanie Cellier (7), Roseanna M. White (5), and J.J. Fischer (5).

Favorite books of 2024

Without further delay, here are my top reads of 2024 and my own silly awards for each one. Note, these are books I read in 2024 though they may have been released earlier.

Best Couple & Funniest Book

How to Plot a Payback
by Melissa Ferguson

I’m giving this one a double nod. While lots of books have two POVs, Ferguson leverages the his and hers structure with hilarious effectiveness. Finn and Lavender are the best couple and their path to love made for arguably my favorite book of the whole year.

Best Debut

A Lady’s Guide to Marvels and Misadventure
by Angela Bell

This book had a lot of hype and it lived up to every bit of it. I could also award it Best Genre-Bender, Best Sense of Wonder, or That Special Something. But I’m going with Best Debut because I intend to snatch up everything else Angela Bell publishes.

Best New-to-Me Author

Love & Other Great Expectations
by Becky Dean

I finally gave Becky Dean a chance and immediately learned why she is so popular. This book was YA perfection—clean, encouraging, coming of age with a sprinkle of sweet romance.

Best Hero

To Treasure an Heiress
by Roseanna M. White

Though not the swooniest leading man, Lord Sheridan wedged his way into my heart with his over-explanations, unapologetic fascination with artifacts, and utter devotion to Beth Tremayne. He has one of the most memorable voices I’ve ever read, and I wish we could be real-life friends.

Best Heroine

Waiting for Gilbert
by Tasha Hackett

Cordelia Jane Thompson takes the cake for leading females. Her voice is so special, her quirks are so lovable, and her struggles pull my heartstrings. I want to wrap her up in a hug then bake some pies together.

Best Fantasy

by J.J. Fischer

Fantasy is a tough genre for me. I need a driving plot and a world that supports the story instead of stealing the show. Fischer delivered fantasy perfection in this series starter. In fact, the whole trilogy is impeccable.

Most Fun & Delightful

Love in Tandem
by Becca Kinzer

Becca Kinzer’s 2024 release was full of joy and humor through a ridiculous challenge. It’s themes of kindness and perseverance will lift your spirits and her hilarious writing will put a smile on your face.

Best Fairytale

The Princess Fugitive
by Melanie Cellier

The Four Kingdoms is a fantastic series of fairytale retellings with a royal spin. I read all five this summer, but my most favorite was this Little Red Riding Hood spin featuring a former villain as the heroine!

Best Faith Thread

Drive You Crazy
by Jessica Kate

The spiritual arc in this romance was so powerful, I wrote to the author after I finished AND devoted a whole newsletter to the theme of overcoming lies with Truth. Plus the story is funny and adorable.

Most Anticipated

The Chaos Grid
by Lyndsey Lewellen

I’ve been looking forward to this book for years—actual years. Lyndsey and I met online before either of us had book deals. I was captivated by the idea of her YA Texan dystopian adventure with Mad Max vibes and faith themes. Fast forward, and our books released on the same day! And let me say, it was absolutely worth the wait.

Best Friendship

Cole and Laila are Just Friends
by Bethany Turner

Good, healthy—granted, fictional—friendships are my new favorite thing. Turner creates such a genuine, devoted friendship between Cole and Laila, you’ll rethink the phrase “just friends.”

Most Hopeful

Bring Her Home
by Hannah Currie

It was hard to put this book’s specialness into words. In the end, I chose Most Hopeful because it featured the most hopeless character I read all year but also the most powerful redemption. Read this retelling of The Prodigal Son ready to be blown away by the goodness of God.

Best Use of Tropes

Summer Ever After
by Kortney Keisel

This book was so clever I couldn’t stop talking about it. Keisel’s heroine attempts to use her favorite romance tropes to find love, but her efforts are thwarted by her best friend’s brother (a trope in itself) who keeps inadvertently creating classic romantic moments with her. The tension between the forced romance and the “real” thing is brilliant.

Best Christmas Story

Christmas at Sugar Plum Manor
by Roseanna M. White

I have no special attachment to The Nutcracker, yet this Christmas tale warmed my heart and launched me into the Christmas season. Wonder, delight, snowfall, and sugar plums—what could be better?

Best Novella Collection

The Kissing Tree
by Witemeyer, Jennings, Dykes, and Deese

This novella collection follows four generations of couples who encounter the famed Kissing Tree. The way the stories built on each other was so fun, and Witemeyer’s Inn for a Surprise was extra special.

Best Book Written by Me

by Megan Schaulis

Yep, I’m including my own novel because it’s honestly great and I’m super proud that it’s out in the world. If you enjoy dystopian fiction, YA adventures, royal romance, or strong faith themes, this one is for you!