Delay is not Denial: Trusting God Against the Odds by Megan Schaulis

Delay Is Not Denial: Trusting God Against the Odds

There’s nothing like hearing God whisper to your heart. But what do you do when that Word doesn’t come to pass? You keep believing.

A New Year’s promise

It was December 31, 2020.

As the clock ticked toward midnight, I sat in my church with my husband, Josh, for a late-night worship service. The speaker that night was a man we both respect greatly named Joe. At this point, Joe was walking around the room sharing individualized words of encouragement.

In those days, I worked for a ministry with offices across the hall from Joe’s organization, and it wasn’t uncommon for us to run into each other during the week. He had shared many pieces of encouragement with my husband and me, so I assumed he’d focus this night on those he didn’t often get to bless with words from the Lord.

Still, as I sat there praying to myself, two questions looped through my mind.

While 2020 was a year none of us are likely to forget for a number of traumatic reasons, it was also the year I wrote my first book (not Protector). I was learning the ins and outs of getting a book published and how the odds are stacked against a novel ever seeing the light of day.

Yet I hoped.

Yes and yes

Through that year, Josh and I had talked a lot about growing our family. Our joyful, gregarious daughter was three, and we honestly weren’t sure another child was the right path for us. (Don’t get me started on how much I hate the phrase “only child.”)

Yet part of my heart knew our little family was meant to grow.

“A book and a baby, God,” I prayed silently at that service. “If I could just get an answer on these two things, just a quick yes and yes for a book and a baby…” Not the most faith-filled prayer, I’ll admit.

Joe continued to minister to the people and soon stopped near Josh and me. He thanked us for serving his friends (referencing my job with the ministry) then paused, clearly listening for what the Lord wanted him to share.

Yes and yes. It will be well with you.” That’s all he said. Then he nodded and moved on to speak with others.

I was speechless. Truly and completely shocked. My God loved me so much, He put those words in another man’s heart for me to hear. He so wanted me to know that He saw the desires of my heart and was delighted by my plans, that He spoke through this willing minister.

Yes and yes. A book and a baby.

Cling to the Word

Neither of those dreams came to fruition in 2021. That first book I wrote was scheduled to go to Pub Board (the final decision making step at a publisher) three times…and then the publisher dropped their YA imprint. As for the baby, we didn’t feel the timing was right.

But in my heart, I held onto that promise. A book and a baby.

The Lord even pointed me to a verse that aligned with the word Joe shared that New Year’s Eve: “May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed” (Psalm 20:4 NLT). A baby, specifically a son, was my heart’s desire and a published book was my plan.

More than three years after that “yes and yes” my debut novel—not the first I wrote, but the first to be published—hit shelves on April 9, 2024! Praise God for His faithfulness!

The published book wasn’t the only promise fulfilled in spring of 2024. My son was born on March 1, a mere six weeks before the book release. A book and a baby indeed. Not only did God deliver on both of those promises, but they arrived back to back!

Super pregnant at my baby shower in January 2024.

When the promise is delayed

One last thought, I need to share.

When I prayed that prayer and heard that confirmation on New Year’s Eve 2020, I expected both of those dreams to come true in 2021. My heart really struggled when that wasn’t the case.

But God is entirely faithful. And delay is not denial.

We ended up moving from Colorado to Texas in 2021—a life-altering decision we may have been afraid to make with an infant. My publisher, WhiteCrown, didn’t exist in 2021. Protector—the book I truly believe is my best possible debut novel—wasn’t written in 2021!

What has God promised you, dear friend? His Word is packed with more than 7,000 promises that belong to us because of what Jesus did. Further, He whispers sweet words to our individual hearts. Are you in a season of waiting and believing, or can you already see the fruit of His faithfulness?

I’ll say it again: delay is not denial.

Whether you’re rejoicing over a promise fulfilled or still holding on until you see it come to pass, know that He is faithful. Take the steps that are in your control, and trust that His Word is true.