Is potty-training in the Bible? Finding a verse to stand on by Megan Schaulis

Is Potty-Training in the Bible? Finding a Verse to Stand on

This humorous memory reminded me that we truly can stand on the Word of God for everything—even the dirty reality of parenting.

Truth to stand on

I recently read Jessica Kate’s new rom-com Drive You Crazy. Along with being delightful and funny, I was so impressed that Kate talked about replacing the lies in our minds with Truth from the Bible.

This led me to recall one of the funniest times I’ve applied a specific verse to a situation: potty training my daughter.

It was January 2021 and, on the plus side, my daughter was daytime potty trained. However, she had one extremely gross habit that I will not explain here. #IYKYK

I was at a weekly women’s Bible study and chatting with an older woman. (Side note: This is why it’s so wonderful to have friends across generations. Old ladies know their stuff!) Jo Anne could tell something was weighing on me, and I decided to open up to this wise friend.

“I just wish there was a Bible verse about potty training! I know that what this situation needs is the Word of God, but some things just aren’t in the Bible.”

A verse for everything

“There is a verse!” Jo Anne radiated excitement. “I just had this conversation with my daughter.”

Now, I’ve been reading the Bible since I could sound out the letters G-O-D and I was pretty confident there are no instructions for potty training included. But I sure wasn’t going to argue with this sweet lady.

Jo Anne directed me to 1 Thessalonians 4:4, which says, “each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor.”

She explained that the context of the verse is sexual immorality, but that she’d been praying for her grandkids and God led her to this exact verse. He showed her that rebellion against potty training is an example of not possessing your vessel (body) with honor. She even shared about her struggles with gluten intolerance and how God had brought her to this verse for that as well.

I knew this was the answer. I had set my faith on the belief that the Word of God would change the situation. And it did!

We started speaking that verse over our daughter that very night, and she never again did that horribly gross thing. Not even once.

All we need

Did the Bible provide instructions for potty training? No. But did it have everything I needed for what is still my least favorite part of parenting? YES

 His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3)

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Friends, if God can lead me to Truth in what was literally the poopiest season of my life, He can show you whatever it is you need as well. His Word contains all we need for life and godliness—for our spiritual needs, of course, but also for the regular stuff we face. He’s equipped us for all of it!